A Gravity Septic System is dictated by the elevation of the Disposal Area or “LEACHFIELD” in relation to the elevation of the septic tank. If the the tank is higher than the Leachfield… then it’s a gravity type of system. Which means the wastewater flows into the disposal area using gravity.
- Septic designer dictates all plan specifications
- Installer must follow all design specifications
- All plans must be filed for state approval
- NHDES is the governing state agency
- System type dictates square footage or footprint
- System type dictates depth and materials used
- Some systems use only sand…
- Some systems use only stone…
- Some systems use both materials
- Stone & pipe leach fields use both
- Concrete chamber leach fields use both
- Fiber tube systems use sand only
- Eljen systems use sand only
- Plastic chambers use sand but can use both
- Inspections identify system type and location
- Inspections identify materials used
- Inspections assess condition at time of inspection
- Inspections do not guarantee state approval
- NHDES should have all information available on record
For even more information on septic systems and general home repairs, please visit The Natural Handyman. The Natural Handyman is a great resourse for all homeowners, home buyers, and home sellers.